Thursday, November 26, 2009

Checking in...

It seems that the last week and a bit have got away on has a way of doing that...mine does anyway!

It also seems that I have not been destined to spend very much time at all in my studio this month…but I have been doing some photography…though none of that in these past few days either…but today I did spend some time playing with some photographs that I had taken previously and have been meaning to fiddle with…

When I was at Ryerson in the Photographic Arts program, I started exploring and experimenting with things like distortion, repetition and panoramas…it was much more labour intensive back then when I had to develop film and print the pictures…one of the final pieces that I did in second year - which was made up of 36 negatives - took me 56 hours to print…now, with Photoshop and digital images…my how things have changed…although I can still get lost for hours fine tuning and tweaking…

These have not been tweaked to their final pluck…no doubt I will go back and fiddle some more…but here are some of the things I have been playing with…

This is a panorama of my favorite place on earth..."The Island"...last year for Christmas I made 5x7 prints of these 5 pictures for my 2 nieces...I would love to enlarge them a bit more and have them printed on canvas...

From the other side of Georgian my Mom's beautiful Cobblestone Cottage...these 2 panaorama series were taken just after a storm had rolled through...storms on Georgian Bay can be very awe inspiring...

PS...if you click on each picture you will be able to see a larger view of it...


ELLIE said...

great photos - really breathtaking~~

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

You find beauty everywhere. :)

Diane M. McKnight, MA, LMSW, Art Therapist/Psychotherapist/Artist said...

What dramatic skies! Powerful work!

Shaun said...

Oh Tammy, these are gorgeous.