Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas…and I can’t BELIEVE I did that!!!

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it! We have been having fun celebrations and I have just a few minutes while everyone gets ready for the next to Oma’s for Christmas dinner…

I just wanted to try to redeem myself…I really can’t believe that I put the letters on wrong on my younger’s Live, Love, Laugh picture!!! It was late, I was tired…my brain was fooling me…I really thought I had it right! Thank you Oma for pointing it out to me!!! Oh well…after midnight in the wee hours of Christmas Eve day, Cariño helped me pry off all 11 little canvases; scrape off, with chisels and paint scrapers, all the hardened gel medium goop...(one thing I did learn is that those canvases are not going to fall off...they are (were) very well stuck on!)…then I touched up the pinky-purple paint, re-splattered and re-attached all the letter canvases…correctly this time!!! What a job! I got to bed after 3:30am on Christmas Eve morning! This meant I didn’t get my elder’s painting finished…started, but not finished…so today she got a blue canvas and a promise…

Here is the final shot of Live, Love, Laugh...

1 comment:

Oma said...

Where are you? I miss your posts.