Well…I managed two posts today! Or, at least within 12 hours of each other! I kind of like keeping my Word program open, writing blog postings as I paint…it gives me something to do while things are drying and it helps me sort out my thought processes…this Live, Love, Laugh painting has been more a painting of process…the idea was fairly simple…then it was just a matter of working my way though it…making things up as I went along…the next painting I am doing, I think I have been putting off…it is more challenging for me…involves more ‘painting’…not just picking colours to go well together and working out the placement and spaces…this next one I actually have to paint a scene…part of me is looking forward to it…part of me is scared to start…all part of my learning process and how I am pushing myself…like this blog…all part of looking at what I am doing and growing through it…
We had originally planned on going to
The Great Big Smalls IV show on Saturday…but some things came up for our friend, Yvonne, so we put it off until Sunday…which was fine, time-wise, for us…but they had been calling for a snow storm…
So on Sunday the storm hit…it wasn’t really all that bad a storm…relatively speaking…Cariño and I had just got brand new snow tires on the van last week (new law in Quebec – don’t get me started) so we were feeling pretty good about driving…well, Cariño did the driving! So we decided to carry on as planned and off we went into the snow storm…picked up my elder…then some yummy
Bridgehead coffee for everyone…then on to get Yvonne…it did take a while to make our way over to the area of town that the
CUBE Gallery is in…but we had coffee and good conversation…so it was fine…I think the blowing snow had most people staying home!
The show was great…I had wanted to see it just because I love seeing eye candy…but also because I wanted to get an idea of what the show was about, because I want to try to get into it for next year…so I wanted an feel for size, for prices…prices ranged from just under $100 to about $800…there was a great variety of smaller sizes, shapes, mediums and styles…I asked if I could take pictures, but while he said I could for myself, he asked me not to post any…which I can understand…there were over 60 artists represented in the show! But I am sad that I can’t show you any of the lovely pieces of art we saw…there were some amazing pottery pieces…I have no idea how she got her glazes so fantastically perfect! There were found object wall sculptures that I have seen there before and love…I had two favorites…a two headed “person’ holding up a small ‘person’…called “Parenthood”…they were made of pieces of wood, covered with flattened beer bottle caps and their teeth were white stone beads…the other one was a smaller girl person…she had huge wooden breasts that looked like marshmallows and a beer bottle cap bikini…I loved them!
There were also some encaustic landscape abstracts and oil abstract landscapes with chipped out pieces revealing colours beneath that spoke to me…it is so inspiring going to these shows!!!
After the show we stopped in at
Wallack’s again so I could pick up the three additional canvases I needed for the Live, Love, Laugh painting and I also got some more inks…I found Copper and Bronze ink!!! I had been wondering if such things existed…and they do! Oh joy! Then we dropped Yvonne off, went for tea and gingerbread men at a neighbour’s (Cariño, elder daughter and I)…and then came home again and elder sat with me upstairs while I painted and Cariño made dinner…and we all had red wine to sip on…watched a movie with dinner…was a good day!
Tonight, as I have already posted, I am carrying on working on my younger’s Christmas present…I just finished splattering the three additional canvases and I am thinking now that I might leave them at that…maybe putting on spirals, stars and hearts might be too much…I have to wait for them to dry so I can put it all together and see…
As I paint the house is filling with the most amazing smells… Cariño is cooking…on Christmas Eve we are going to his family’s for dinner and, as we have done in the past, we have chosen a type of cuisine…this year is Indian…usually Cariño and I would be cooking together…but I have to get presents finished…so he is cooking all alone (again)...but I think he is still enjoying himself...he loves to cook…one of the things we (that's the "Royal We"...which means Cariño) have said we would do is a lamb curry…the smells are wonderful!...it is going to be a very yummy dinner! We are all cooking various things – butter chicken, rice…but some things will be bought…like naan bread made in a traditional wood charcoal fired tandoor oven from
Host India…we have had it before…it is delicious!...also Cariño and I will be picking up samosas and pakoras from a place in the Byward Market…I am getting hungry thinking about all this food and with the smells that are filling my studio!
Here are some more progress pictures…
The three new canvases all splattered up...

I'm thinking this is almost finished...maybe just one heart, one star and one spiral...

Oh…I meant to post this a while ago…my Mom sent me these really cool thingies…she found them at
Lee Valley (a store it is not safe for me to visit!)…they can each support something like 200lbs…they came in very handy painting the backboard! Usually I set wet canvases on paint pots…which works too…but these little triangles are much easier to use…I can stack them and carry them in one hand…when I painted the 11 little canvases…it took 22 paint pots…I could not carry all of those in one hand! Thanks Mom!
These things are great!...

Here they are in action holding up the 33"x40" backboard making it way easier to paint!...

I am just about finished for the day...but my younger daughter is coming home from her friend's, where she has been for a few days...and I need to get her present finished!...it isn't something that I can hide to work on very well!!!
I decided that just one heart, star and spiral would work...

Here is a shot of the small canvases being weighted down as they get attached to the backing board...

Oh my goodness!!!...I think I am finished!!!
Here it is..."Live, Love, Laugh"...