Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Some progress pictures...

I know people like to see a happy medium between pictures and writing on a blog...especially one dedicated to developing and exploring creativity! So here are some progress pictures of the paintings I have been working on with the theme of winter in mind…these are the ones I am working on to see if I can get them into the Ottawa School of Art Boutique…

This is another in my Flow series...Flow I was working on this, my younger walked by and asked why I often painted the same painting...I said that they weren't really all the same...but that they were similar because they were all part of a series...each one exploring different colour combinations...that kind of got my inner negative critic going though and I had to squash it down!

Here is Flow VIII...this is the first Flow painting that isn't done on a square canvas...

I think both the Flow paintings are finished...they will have to be if I am going to submit them tomorrow...otherwise the paint won't be dry!!!

Here is a progress picture of the Ice Road to Tuk...I had done a postcard of this and really liked it...the postcard was done in coloured pencil, though, and this one is being done in acrylics...the colours are off...ran out of is a really nice light blue background with dark blue lines on the land and red on the looks kind of murky in this picture...


Oma said...

Love those flow paintings ... and The Road is one of my favourites of your postcard series. I am looking forward to seeing it in all its colourful glory in acrylics.

Tamarak said...

Thank you!

I have such great fun doing the Flow paintings...probably why I am not finished with that series!

I was happy with the big version of The Ice Road to Tuk...didn't get Land of the Midnight Sun finished in time to submit to the OSA...but I will finish it and I think it is going to make me happy too!

I should hear Tuesday if my paintings get accepted...