Monday, February 2, 2009

Hanging Day...but not...

I was all ready...Oma came in...we loaded up the van...21 paintings on 23 canvases...(one being a triptych)...drove over to the gallery...and...they weren`t ready for me!...this and that had happened and they hadn`t had a chance to do the touch up painting is hanging day!

I was kind of disappointed...but stuff happens...I`m not going to let it get to me...I do already have a couple things on the go for tomorrow...but I can go over later in the afternoon to hang...maybe Carino will come and help me...

I was excited about getting to see them hanging though!...I guess it is an excercise in patience for me!

So...that gave me a couple extra hours today...I got home again and thought I would get going on one of my projects from WetCanvas...but when I tried to turn on my laptop...system now I am backing up all my data and then I will have a look at what is going on...I didn`t want to do computer work this aft...I want to play with paints!!! I am typing this on Carino`s computer which has a French I am stubbling around trying to make it type what I want! Please excuse any typos, incorrect or lacking symbols! I guess I could change the keyboard...but I don`t want to mess with his set up!

My studio looks so empty now...barren...all of the colourful paintings are gone...empty easel, no painted canvases all over the place...I am going to have to get painting to fill it up again! I much prefer to be surrounded by colourful chaos than empty space with no colour!!!

I forgot in my last post to mention that I had also taken my submission in to another gallery...and I have more deadlines coming up...I`m not worried about feeling empty after the rush of getting ready for this show...I really do seem to be on a creative high right now...I still have the 2 WetCanvas projects that I am part way through...I won`t join anymore there until I get these ones finished!...I have all kind of ideas for more paintings...there is a collage project that I would like to join...but I`m not sure I can fit it I have my actual money-making work that seems to be picking up`m not worried about entering a creative void just yet!

I`m leaving soon to go with Yvonne to the Ottawa Potters Guild meeting...we are going to join...and that will mean getting back to pottery!

1 comment:

Leah said...

How wonderful to be riding the creative high!! Have fun re-filling your studio with color!