Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Visits, ice sculptures and vernissage

My Dad and Sister came for a preview of my show on Friday, February 6th and we celebrated my elder daughter’s birthday as well…wonderful dinner at 222 Lyon Tapas Bar…delicious tapas and great Spanish red wine!

My Mom flew in on Sunday, February 8th for a visit and to see the show…she was here for the vernissage on Monday evening and then took us out for a celebratory dinner at a wonderful fish restaurant in the Market – Lapointe’s.

On Sunday evening we went to see the ice sculptures at Winterlude – which were amazing…the ice is so crystal clear and the details in the carvings are fantastic! They are best to see at night when they have lights shining on them…hard to photograph without a tripod though…

And the really touristy shots!...

I am still sorting out my feelings about the vernissage…as someone who usually does just about anything to avoid being the centre of attention, it was very strange to be right there in the thick of it! I think pricing my art and these vernissages are the hardest things for me! It was, at the same time, both exciting and nerve wracking! Especially when it is something as personal as your creations…I imagine that this is the same whether it is your art or your words…for the most part, we create in solitude…and while I know that all artists are not completely withdrawn people, some are very outgoing…but I am a basically shy person…I am fine with people I know, but I still, until recently, didn’t show my art to many people at all. So I am torn…it was fun and exciting and really rather neat to have people telling me that they liked my work…I mean, who doesn’t like a compliment!…but there was also that voice inside that was on my case about ‘showing off’…maybe it is just that nasty inner critic trying to put me down! I felt hesitant to get too caught up in the happy feelings of it all…is that just me, or do other people feel these confusing, conflicting feelings as well???

So…I was too focused on trying to stay calm and enjoy myself to take a single picture! I think Cariño might have taken some…I will have to ask him! I know Oma took some and she has put a few of them up on her blog – Gone to the Dogs…I always have the best of intentions to take lots of pictures and then, for some reason or another, I don’t…oh…my Dad took some as well…I will have to ask him if he can send me some…


Steve Emery said...

Wow. I think the feelings you had, and the ambivalence are really common for creative people. And they're a shame. And the emotions AFTER are almost as confusing. If I let go and enjoy myself my after thoughts are that I made a fool of myself. If I stay all controlled then my after thoughts are that I lost an opportunity to really enjoy myself, the fruit of my labors, and the company of other creative people. AND the fact that the inner voice will criticize no matter what tells me something really important. The inner voice is a dope. He's a crabbed, envious, controlling, unhappy little putz. More and more I'm able to hear his tone and I just grin and shut him off. Like an annoying radio commercial.

So I hope you can learn to shrug yours off. Killjoys. I know it's not the same as my conscience; that has a different voice. So does prudence. I hope you can learn to tell them apart, and can turn down the volume while you're still where you can enjoy the moment.

Leah said...

I could relate to everything you wrote about your experiences with showing!! No advice for you, but just wanted you to know that I have the same thoughts! xo

Tamarak said...

Thank you both for your thoughtful and supportive comments! While a part of me knows I can't possibly be alone in having these is still nice to actually hear it!

Wouldn't it be nice if we could all just gleefully and freely embrace our excitement in seeing our work hanging and not feel all silly about it!!!