Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Not using a brush or a palette knife…

The June challenge in the Abstract and Contemporary Art forum at WetCanvas is (was) to “…create a painting without using a brush or palette knife.” I had decided way back at the beginning of June to try this…I have no idea where the month has disappeared to…but here it is the last day of June!!!

I thought that this challenge was something that I would be fully open to and well equipped for...I have no qualms about using my fingers or any instrument that will get the paint on the canvas the way I want to slather, smoosh, or dab it on…except I always like to do a base coat or 2 of a colour first...I’m not too anal about a lot of things…but I do have a thing about starting a painting on a nicely coloured, smooth canvas…even if I am going to go and put all kinds of texture on it! So it was more of a challenge than I first thought...having to start my painting without the usual smooth base…it is very easy to just reach for a brush without thinking about it!

I applied the first base coat with a credit card-type piece of plastic…hard to get smooth…but I am going to accept uneven into my life - for this painting anyway…

Once the first coat was dry, I put on a second, darker blue base coat, again with the credit card-type thing…it came out looking a lot like denim and I quite liked it and so decided to leave a fair amount of the background showing in the overall piece…

After the base coats were dry, I applied the modeling gel…again using the credit card-type things, and then using the laptop hard drive metal holder for the honey comb-like texture, the old metal number 3, my plastic triangle painting support and a pen cap for the other textures…then I had to wait for a few days for that to dry!

Here is where I am at now…maybe finished…not sure yet…I used q-tips and my fingers to apply the paints and inks over the modeling gel. I dribbled inks on some bits of cheese cloth that I had set on some waxed paper and let them dry, and then I splattered more inks on them using an old tooth brush. After I stuck the hardened cheese cloth pieces onto the canvas with the modeling gel, I dabbed on some acrylic paints using q-tips.

This has been a fun challenge and it is funny, but in a way it has made me less fussy about using some of my brushes...I have these beautiful, pristine brushes that I usually use for everything, but I also have these old, abused ones that I never used…now I find myself using these old beat up ones more…on other pieces I am working on…for smushing the paint into the textured parts…for this piece I couldn’t use the brushes, but for these other pieces…boy is it so easy to use my old ones…


Lynn said...

That's very creative, and the blue background is spectacular!

nanke's stuff said...

It looks like that was a lot of fun. I think I'll give it a try! nancy


WildGoose said...

In meeting this Challenge You sound like me at the best of times, Tamarak...entry in, but at the 11th hour! I too, was intrigued by this one as I"m a finger-painter at heart when it comes to using a canvas...glad you made it...great colours!

Cynthia said...

I like what happened here Tamara -- always love your tutorials.

Leah said...

What a great challenge and a wonderful result!

Beverley Baird said...

Loved how you explained the process - lovely result!